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Troubleshooting your Oil Burner

A furnace that won’t turn on is a fairly common problem; fortunately, it’s often easy to fix.

Here are a few things to check if your furnace doesn’t fire up like it should.

  1. Troubleshoot your Oil BurnerCheck Your Circuit Breakers. Even if you use a gas or propane furnace, some of the components run on electricity. If your furnace doesn’t switch on, the circuit breaker could be shut off. Check your circuit breaker panel to make sure all switches for your heating system are set to “ON.”
  2. Check Your Thermostat. If your furnace isn’t turning on, the thermostat may have lost its programming or reset. It may even simply be set on the wrong setting. For test purposes, set your thermostat about 10 degrees hotter than the current temperature to see if the system turns on. Also, double check to make sure it’s set to “HEAT.”
  3. Check the Drain Pan. Drain pans collect water that has been removed from the air by your HVAC system. When the system is working as it should, the water should be pumped out or drain out automatically. If the pan is full of water, a triggered float switch could be preventing your furnace from turning on. If this is the case, make sure the pan’s drain is clear or that the pump is working properly.
  4. Check Your Air Filter. If you’ve been neglecting your air filter, it could be seriously clogged, and a safety feature may be preventing your system from turning on.
  5. Check the Pilot Light. Many modern furnaces won’t kick on if the pilot light is out. This is a safety feature designed to prevent pumping natural gas or propane into your home.
  6. Check Your Natural Gas or Oil Supply. Lack of fuel could prevent your furnace from turning on. The best way to check your fuel supply is trying another gas appliance in your home, such as your stove. If it doesn’t work either, contact your gas or propane company

When to call for professional service

If you’ve checked everything above and your furnace still won’t turn on or if you can smell gas or propane, you need help from a professional technician.

If your unit still fails to operate give our service department a call.

(207) 442-7994 or (800) 540-7994